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Computer training for home users
the "Computer Coach" 

If you have never used a computer before or if you want to learn more about
computer software programs and how to use them, we provide personalized
one on one training for you.  This training can be custom designed to meet your
individual needs or offered in a group environment. 

We offer training in the following areas:

  • How to use the keyboard, monitor, mouse, and other hardware equipment
  • How to use Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, and other software programs
  • How to sit properly, and how to view the screen without strain
  • How to access, use, and navigate the Internet
  • How to set-up and access an email account
  • How to print and save documents
  • How to download, save, and print pictures
  • How to do just about anything with a computer and more ...

Not only do we offer specialized, and personalized training in the areas mentioned, we will
continue to provide you ongoing training on new software or any other programs that
you may need help with.

This is a service that is in very high demand and is accomplished in your home.
There is limited space available.

Make sure you call today to book your time with your very own personal computer "Coach"

Call us at (440) 537-4292 for further
information concerning this unique program. 

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