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    PC upgrades

   Often, the best way to optimize your computer is through upgrading critical hardware
   or software resources.  We will discuss the best options for upgrading your computer
   or computers and provide the lowest cost options for you, guaranteed.

Upgrade options include:

  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • Video card upgrades
  • Hard Drives
  • Power Supplies
  • Network cards, software, setup, etc.
  • Operating systems
  • Software upgrades 

The rule of thumb should be this: Upgrade when the cost of not upgrading exceeds the cost of upgrading.
New hardware should help you work faster and more efficiently. Maybe you need to upgrade your hardware
to run new software applications that will improve productivity.  If that is the case, upgrading is your best bet.
Similar situations include a broken PC, one that crashes regularly, or one that keeps you from doing the work you
need to do. Clearly, in each of these cases, it will cost you more to put off the upgrade than to go ahead with it.

We will crunch the numbers and advise you if you need to upgrade. The best way to put off the inevitable
obsolescence of your computer is to make sure it meets all your needs. Doing a little research at this stage may
just save you a lot of money down the road.

Let us help you determine your best options.


Call today to schedule your personal appointment with one of our specialists

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